Sunday, October 2, 2016

October 2, 2016

What did we cover in the class?

Story – The power of determination
Story of Dhruva, the power of getting positive inspiration from the events in life, determination and commitment, doing well when none is watching

Core Activity
Revision of the names of vegetables through “story of vegetables”. 3 Kids presented their own stories or helped to present. The students absolutely loved it! 
We also revised the list of vegetables given at once again

Continuing with basic sentence construction in Telugu with a theme of opposites. Sweet - Sour, Hot - cold, Hard - soft, Early - late, Difficult - easy, Big - small, Tall - short, Young – old, fat - thin, day - night. Writing of sentences did not start yet.

Gunintaalu needs some more practice before we can get started with writing sentences. Students are expected to work with their parents to practice achchulu, hallulu and gunintaalu.  Practice అచ్చులు, హల్లులు from  మన తెలుగు పరిచయ *AND* Page 2 to 28 in మన తెలుగు శిశు  (At least 4 words from each page the students should read & write). They need to read to a parent and can use a white paper to write 

Plan for next class
  • Spoken Telugu – Some more conversation about vegetables. We shall introduce a role play (for conversations) with the context of a teacher asking student for homework. Two students will play the role of a teacher and student. They will discuss the situation in Telugu. I believe it is going to be fun
  • We will play a game for reinforcing the knowledge of antonym relationship.
  • We will begin writing simple sentences
  • Padyam
  • Gunintaalu practice. Try to form simple sentences.

Parents, the following is required for each student in Telugu class.
  • 1.     A binder to collect and organize all the material provided in class and taken as printout
  • 2.     A note book and pen or pencil

Important links

Mana Telugu Syllabus

Mana Telugu Madhyama class schedule

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