Monday, October 10, 2016

October 9, 2016

What did we cover in the class?

Story (Anecdote)
The theme was all it needs is a drop of poison to spoil a big can full of milk. The story was of a brilliant student in USA who excelled in every academic field and was offered seat by many prestigious institutes. Later through one of his roommates he got addicted to a few bad habits and ruined his life. This introduced a nice segway into the poem.

vEru purugu chEri vRkshambu cherachunu
cheeDa purugu chEri cheTTu cherachu
kutsitunDu chEri guNavantu cherachuraa
viSwadaabhiraama vinura vEma

వేరు పురుగు చేరి వృక్షంబు చెరచును
చీడ పురుగు చేరి చెట్టు చెరచు
కుత్సితుండు చేరి గుణవంతు చెరచురా
విశ్వదాభిరామ వినుర వేమ

We also revised the 12 Telugu months and 6 Telugu rutuvulu, the significance of navaratri and when we perform.

Core Activity
There was a game with six rounds, all for the practice of spoken Telugu – first 3 rounds was with vegetable translation, the last 3 rounds was about saying sentences with words that have antonym relationship. Kids really loved the game!

Role play: 8 kids (4 pairs) did a role play of a teacher and a student in different contexts. They were asked to have the conversation in English first and later, the same conversation in Telugu. This forms a good mapping in their minds. 

Gunintaalu needs some more practice before we can get started with writing sentences. Students are expected to work with their parents to write the 4 simple gunintam sheets that can be found at 

Based on today’s class, I think that students do well with a written aid to speak. Students are expected to prepare a written aid for next week’s role play speeches. The context is a car sales person and a prospective buyer. The template for this homework can be found at Students need to work with their parents, with at least 4 questions and answers. The best way to do it is to come with both roles and write questions & answers in English. Then they can translate it in Telugu in class. 5-10 students will be asked to present their sales person & customer conversation in Telugu in a max time of 2 minutes

Plan for next class

Spoken Telugu – sales person & customer conversation in Telugu – Role play
Padyam revision
Gunintaalu dictation. Try to form simple sentences.

Parents, the students are gaining good spoken skills in Telugu. Without practice, these skills cannot be retained.

**Please try to speak to your children in Telugu to the extent possible. Let’s maximize Telugu speaking at home. You have all been so keen for your children to learn spoken Telugu. Trust me, this one step will make a huge difference. Please try and see the difference yourself***

Also, please ensure that your children complete home work every week. I have been getting only 1 or 2 home works every week

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