Sunday, October 23, 2016

Oct 23, 2016

We do not have class next week (Oct 30). It is a Deepavali holiday.!!

What did we cover in the class?

Core Activity
We delivered books for Telugu class for this year. Although some of the students had books from last year, we delivered a fresh set so that they have the books handy for reference.

Contest covering names of vegetables numbers (from 1 to 1000 and beyond). Students are doing ok with numbers but need improvement. Homework of this week is expected to reinforce their knowledge.

A reference sheet for gunintaalu and vattulu is provided. 

Page 1 gives
  • Achchulu and their corresponding structure for gunintaalu
  • Hallulu and their corresponding vattulu

Page 2 gives

  • gunintaalu for all hallulu.

This is going to be an ongoing reference for the students. Please let them preserve it and bring it to every class. I shall let them use it heavily in the next 2-3 months and as they reach the end of the academic year, they should have enough practice to write without referring to the sheet. For now, bringing this sheet to class is mandatory.

Role play: 10 kids (5 pairs) did a role play of a car sales person and a customer and mother & daughter looking at a report card. They were asked to have the conversation in English first and later, the same conversation in Telugu. Kids are enjoying this and we shall continue this in future. 

It is very exciting to see the kids pick up spoken Telugu skills. At this stage, it is important to reinforce the spoken Telugu skills at home as well. Please talk to your children in Telugu as much as you  can. Pat them and correct them at opportunity


Since we do not have class next week, please bear with me as the homework is slightly higher than usual. At this stage, it is critical they practice their reading and writing skills to get back to a speed where we can learn to read & write simple sentences.
1. Take a printout of gunintaalu practice sheet. Have kids write them in your supervision.
2. Take a printout of vattulu practice sheet. Have kids write them in your supervision
3. Mana Telugu sisu (UKG) - Page 30 to 76 - Let the students write as many words as they can. I would suggest 5-6 words per day. This gives them the consistent practice.
Thank you for your cooperation in working with your children to warm up with vattulu and gunintaalu.

Plan for next class

Vishwamitra story

Reading and writing simple sentences, involving vattulu and gunintaalu


Please ensure that your children get a notebook and pen/pencil to every class.

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