Sunday, October 16, 2016

October 16, 2016

What did we cover in the class?

Story (Anecdote)

Core Activity

A revision of the poem

vEru purugu chEri vRkshambu cherachunu
cheeDa purugu chEri cheTTu cherachu
kutsitunDu chEri guNavantu cherachuraa
viSwadaabhiraama vinura vEma

వేరు పురుగు చేరి వృక్షంబు చెరచును
చీడ పురుగు చేరి చెట్టు చెరచు
కుత్సితుండు చేరి గుణవంతు చెరచురా
విశ్వదాభిరామ వినుర వేమ

Counting from 1 to 1000 and beyond. Numbers like 1122, 2444, 3462 etc. were discussed. Homework includes some work to reinforce this knowledge.

Students did not complete the homework for last week. So, we did a revision of a few words that includes gunintalu.

Role play: 6 kids (3 pairs) did a role play of a car sales person and a customer. They were asked to have the conversation in English first and later, the same conversation in Telugu. Kids are enjoying this and we shall continue this next week. 


For counting numbers, please have the students practice the numbers given below. Also, you can give them more practice as you choose.
517, 787, 906, 1592, 1929, 2378, 4630, 6722

Gunintaalu needs some more practice before we can get started with writing sentences. Students are expected to work with their parents to write the 4 simple gunintam sheets that can be found at 
They need to bring the completed homework to the class.

Based on today’s class, I think that students do well with a written aid to speak. Students are expected to prepare a written aid for next week’s role play speeches. The context is a car sales person and a prospective buyer (yes we will continue it next week also) and mother/daughter discussing a school progress report (3 pairs of girl students will be performing this). The template for this homework can be found at Students need to work with their parents and come prepared with at least 4 questions or answers. 5-10 students will be asked to present their sales person & customer conversation in Telugu in a max time of 2 minutes

Plan for next class

Spoken Telugu – sales person & customer conversation, mother/daughter conversation in Telugu – Role play

Vattulu revision and dictation

Try to form simple sentences.


Parents, the students are gaining good spoken skills in Telugu. Without practice, these skills cannot be retained.

**The students are coming to the class without a notebook and pen/pencil. Parents, please ensure that the students has a pen/pencil and a note book. We practice writing in class and hence this is required***

Please ensure that your children complete home work every week. I have been getting only 1 or 2 home works every week

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