Monday, October 22, 2018

October 21, 2018

What did we cover in the class?

Core Activity

Core curriculum continued this week.

Review of homework from last week

Homework from last week was reviewed. Correct sentence construction was discussed for each sentence and meaning was explained. A few new words were also discussed. 
Parents, please review this with your children. As you continue to speak to them in Telugu, they will become more fluent with the sentence construction. 


The story పొగరుగల గొర్రె పోతు from printout. I noticed that the kids were still struggling to read from the printout, taking a long time for each sentence. So, we paused the reading and decided to continue with simpler sentences from next week onwards.

Learning how to question

The following question words were discussed and how to translate sentences in English to Telugu
How (ఎలా, ఎంత, ఎన్ని సార్లు), why (ఎందుకు) and when (ఎప్పుడు)

    How much does this toy cost?
    How  long have you been living in America?
    How many times should I tell you not to keep books on the floor?
    How far is Katy from Sugar Land?
    I am not sure how such a big family of 8 lived in the small house

     Why did you do that?
     Why does the sun rise in the east?
     Why should we work on repairing the vehicle?
     I know why you do not want to tell me the truth
     Why did you not ask me this question before?
     Why are you sad?

    When did you go on vacation last year?
    As a friend, I will be there when you need me
    When do you need to submit the assignment in your school?
    When did you take up this new job?
    When can you visit us to spend some time?

Additional Concepts
           భూత   - past tense
           వర్తమాన - present
           భవిష్యత్ - future
Examples were provided with the following verbs. For each verb, students were asked to provide 2-3 example sentences in the class.

వెళ్ళాను   వెళ్తున్నాను      వెళ్తాను
తిన్నాను  తింటున్నాను   తింటాను
చూసాను  చూస్తున్నాను   చూస్తాను
పిలిచాను  పిలుస్తున్నాను  పిలుస్తాను
పీల్చాను   పీలుస్తునాను    పీలుస్తాను
విన్నాను   వింటున్నాను   వింటాను
దూకాను  దూకుతున్నాను  దూకుతాను

    How to say numbers in Telugu - including very large numbers
    A few large  numbers and calendar year numbers were discussed. This week's home work assignment  includes writing numbers in Telugu

Plan for next week

Reading sentences from basics

sametalu - 2-5 new sametalu

Ankelu (అంకెలు) from zero to large numbers, Reading and writing them (revision)

Prathama purusha - I, we
Madhyama purusha - you - two forms
Uttama purusha - he, she, it, they

Mixing above purusha constructs with Past, present and future tenses with examples


This week we have 2 home work assignments.

1. On a white paper in your notebook, write 4 own sentences each in Telugu using the three questioning words - How (ఎలా, ఎంత, ఎన్ని సార్లు), why (ఎందుకు) and when (ఎప్పుడు)
Parents, please work with your children to complete the homework. The sentences that the students complete in their homework must be different from what we discussed in the class (listed above).

2. Write numbers from 1 to 60 in Telugu in the sheet provided in the class (or if the sheet missed, write them on a white paper) 

Please note:

The students are coming without a notebook and pen/pencil. Please ensure that they get a notebook & pen/pencil.

It is highly recommended for the students to have a binder as I plan to give printouts in most  classes. The students need to preserve the printouts to prepare well for the exams later in the academic year.

Parents, please speak to your children only in Telugu to maximize their learning.

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