Sunday, October 18, 2020

October 18, 2020


What did we cover in the class?

Core Activity

1. Story - Chanakya Chandragupta. Part-1

2. Deep dive into ఆజ్ఞాపూర్వక sentences. We discussed about a few examples (given below) in English and translated them into Telugu.
  • He should finish his lunch before leaving 
  • They must distribute the medicine to all villagers by day after tomorrow
  • You should come to school tomorrow to pick up your books
  • All students of mana Telugu Madhyama class should submit their homework by midnight of Friday before the class
  • You should send your reading homework as a message to our WhatsApp group
3. Review of the first part of మోదుగ పూవు reading assignment and learned a few new words

Plan for next week

Please note that next week is Prajna holiday for Dassera festival. We will meet on 11/1/2020

1.  Story - Chanakya Chandragupta - Part-2

2. Deep dive into ఆశ్చర్యార్ధక. We will continue Translation from English to Telugu

3. Padyam - ఇంతింతై వటుడింతై


Those students who did not send their voice recording for last week assignment should send it by the coming Friday.

1. Write 5 sentences (your own sentences) to represent ఆశ్చర్యార్ధక sentences. You should follow the following format for each of the 5 sentences.

English Sentence: ....
Corresponding Telugu Sentence: ....

2. Translate the following story from English to Telugu. Discuss with your parents to ensure that you are translating (not dubbing).

Once in a kingdom, a man named Govind protested the king. The king was angry, and he said to his soldiers, “arrest Govind immediately”. Govind didn’t resist and said, “My Lord, I will gladly accept the punishment but, I have one last desire”. “What is your last desire? Tell me immediately” shouted the king. “I would like to see my wife and children one last time”, said Govind. The king did not agree. “Why will you come back after seeing your family? This cannot be allowed”. 

In the meantime, a man from the crowd came forward and said “My Lord, please arrest me instead of him as a guarantee. If he does not come back then you can hang me instead of him”. The king was surprised. “Why are you ready to take his place? Tell me the truth!”. The man replied “My Lord, he is my best friend and I trust him”. 

King agreed. “You must return in a total of 12 hours. Otherwise, your friend will be hanged to death”. Govind agreed and left to visit his family. He started to return but, on the way, the horse got sick. Because of this, he got delayed. At king’s palace, the king ordered “Govind, did not return. Hang his friend!”. The friend was taken to the board to be hanged. Just as a soldier was about to pull the lever, Govind arrived gasping and fell to the ground. “Please stop. I am back. Please release my friend”. The friend said “Govind, I can sacrifice my life for you”. “No, don’t do that”, shouted Govind. 
Listening to them, the king was surprised. “I forgive you both. Your friendship made me feel very happy”.

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