Sunday, April 18, 2021

April 18, 2021

 What did we cover in the class?

Core Activity
భాషా భాగాలు

1.    నామ వాచకము (Noun)

a.    వ్యక్తులు

b.   స్థలములు

c.    జంతువులు

d.   వస్తువులు

e.    గుణములు

Arjun is a brave man.

He likes to travel by Aeroplane.

The Parrot is a beautiful bird.

2.    సర్వ నామము (Pronoun) - నామవాచకానికి బదులుగా వాడే పదము

It is my dog.

He is my friend.

I am a teacher.

3.    క్రియ (Verb)

 Already discussed in previous classes

4.    విశేషణము (Adjective)

నామవాచకాన్ని విశేషించేది

I met an awesome teacher yesterday.

She has beautiful eyes

We have a pink car.

2. Kahoot quiz on panDagalu, led by one of the students 

Final exam paper is available here. Students need to return the answers by 10 AM on May 2. Late submissions will not be accepted

Plan for next class

1. Fun quiz (area of quiz is a suspense till the play in the class)

2. అవ్యయము /క్రియా విశేషణము (Adverb), విభక్తి ప్రత్యయము (Preposition) and సముచ్చయము (conjunction).


No home work. Final exam (link given above) is the work that students can do at home.  

Sunday, April 11, 2021

April 11, 2021

  What did we cover in the class?

Core Activity
1. Structure of the final exam was discussed
2. Kahoot quiz on panDagalu, led by one of the students 

Plan for next class

1. Fun quiz (area of quiz is a suspense till the play in the class)

2. Final exam paper. Due to the depth of the questions & nature of take-home exam, the question paper of the final exam will be made available in the next class. Students are expected to return their answers (voice recordings and answered papers) by 11 AM on May 2. Those who do not return answers by that time will not have their answers graded.

3. viSEshaNamulu


1. Prepare for the final exam

2. Review home works in previous classes as guidance for exam questions 

Sunday, March 28, 2021

March 28, 2021

 What did we cover in the class?

Core Activity
1. Quick recap of techniques for speeches with the example of a student's speech

2. How to read a sentence effectively to get the meaning from the sentence? Examples from the flowers passages with demonstration of keywords and how they give clues of effectively understanding meaning  

3. We took voting in the class and decided that the final exam would be a take home exam

Plan for next class

Coming Sunday is Prajna holiday due to Easter Sunday. The next class will be on April 11.

Please note: We need one more round of refinements in Freedom fighter speeches. Students, please text me on WhatsApp to schedule a slot between April 2 and 5. 

2. Fun Kahoot quizzes (area of quiz is a suspense till the play in the class)

3. Review of  take home final exam structure


1. None submitted the homework for Karta Karma Kriya. Students need to complete the 2 simple exercises  

2. From the flower passages, read the first 3 paragraphs and translate them into English. 

Sunday, March 21, 2021

March 21, 2021

 What did we cover in the class?

Core Activity
1. Quick review of work that was done over the Spring break for student speeches. Reminder about sending voice recordings after practicing well with with suggested changes

2. How to read Telugu sentences and understand - not a word to word translation. This will go for the next 2 weeks. A student picked up her passage about mandara pushpam and read a paragraph for this exercise.
3. Sentence construction - వాక్య నిర్మాణం
The concept of  Karta/Karma/Kriya was discussed along with examples. 

రాజు పుస్తకం చదువుతున్నాడు.

పుస్తకం ఎవరు చదువుతున్నారు?  ఎవరు? --> కర్త

రాజు దేనిని చదువుతున్నాడు?  ఎవరిని/దేనిని - కర్మ

రాజు పుస్తకాన్ని ఏంచేస్తున్నాడు? ఏమిటి - క్రియ

Concept of upa kriya and samaapaka kriya was also discussed.

భాస్కర్ ఆటలు ఆడి, అలసి పోయి, ఇంటికి వచ్చాడు

రాముడు సుగ్రీవునితో స్నేహం చేసి, లంకకు వెళ్ళి, రావణుని వధించి, అయోధ్యకు వచ్చాడు

Plan for next class

1. Flowers passage reading - continued - 3-4 students will read their flower passages while all students learning how to understand the meaning of different sentences

2. naama vaachakam, sarvanaamam, viseshaNam


1. Identify కర్త, కర్మ, క్రియ for the following.

ఒక బాలుడు అడవికి వెళ్ళాడు

ఒక తోడేలు అతని వెంట పడింది

ఆ బాలునికి భయం వేసింది

కాని బాలుడు ధైర్యం తెచ్చుకొని, తోడేలుతో అన్నాడు

తోడేలు బాలునితో సరేఅని వీణ వాయించటం మొదలు పెట్టింది

బాలుడు అది గమనించి నృత్యం చేశాడు

ఇంతలో ఈ గొడవ విని వేట కుక్కలు తోడేలు వెంట పడ్డాయి

బాలుడు తెలివిగా తప్పించుకున్నాడు   

Format is as given below.





2. Translate the following statements into Telugu. Observe the karta/karma/kriya pattern

  • 1. He observed the beggar and donated $100 to him.
  • 2. The musician waived his hands and started the show.
  • 3. She got angry and smashed the furniture with a hammer.
  • 4. He was surprised and opened the box.
  • 5. They crossed the road and went to the party.
  • 6. Thomas gave his pen to Carla.
  • 7. Divya had her breakfast and went to the school.
  • 8. The teacher carried his umbrella and went on to the road.

3. Send voice recordings for your speeches

Sunday, March 7, 2021

March 7, 2021

  What did we cover in the class?

Core Activity
Students came up with their finalized speeches which were reviewed and feedback further slight improvements was provided

Plan for next class

Coming Sunday is Prajna holiday due to Spring break. The next class will be on March 21.

Please note: I shall have 30 minutes with each student during Spring break to improvise the speeches and learn how to present it effectively as a speech. Please stay tuned for individual communication on whatsapp to find out a suitable time for the student.

2. Flowers passage reading - continued


1. *Must* do - If you have done yet, finalize your speeches of Indian freedom fighters.   

2. Reading assignment - Practice reading the words in the passage and be ready to read it in the next class

Sunday, February 28, 2021

Feb 28, 2021

 What did we cover in the class?

Core Activity
Students did not finalize the speeches yet. A refined speech was reviewed in class as an example and students were asked to update all their speeches by the coming Friday. Next class will be the last class when we will review the speeches

Flowers passage reading: Reading a few paragraphs for 2 flowers, with sentence by sentence instruction on how to separate nouns, verbs, adjectives etc. to enhance the reading of the students.

Plan for next class

1. Indian freedom fighters stories - mock presentations - Q&A. This will be the last review and any more help will be taken it in Spring break for improvising their delivery of speeches
2. Flowers passage reading - continued


1. *Must* do - Finalize your speeches of Indian freedom fighters.   

2. Reading assignment - About flowers. Absorb the guidelines given in today's class and re-read your flowers passage. Be ready to read it in the next class.

Sunday, February 14, 2021

Feb 14, 2021


What did we cover in the class?

Core Activity
Speaking about Indian freedom fighters - speaking points of each student were reviewed and feedback provided

Plan for next class

1. Indian freedom fighters stories - mock presentations - Q&A. We are going to stop the passage preparation effort here and take it in Spring break for improvising their delivery of speeches
2. Padyam revision 
3. Flowers passage reading


1. Whoever didn't complete last week homework, should complete it this week. Students are expected to finalize their scripts for assigned freedom fighter stories and send it to me by no later than Friday night. 

2. Reading assignment - About flowers. Students will read these passages in the next class. The idea is to teach them techniques of understanding while reading - Anvitha - Amukta - Divya - Lahari - Karthik - Nitya - Vedant - Tarun

Sunday, February 7, 2021

February 7, 2021


What did we cover in the class?

Core Activity
1. Chanakya story completion. Students requested for further reading about this story on Internet and it can be found here  . It will be good for them to read the story in Telugu.
2. Padyam revision
3. Speaking about Indian freedom fighters - review and discussion

Plan for next class

1. Indian freedom fighters stories - mock presentations. Feedback would be provided to improve the presentations
2. Padyam revision 


Whoever didn't complete last week homework, should complete it this week.

Students are expected to finalize their scripts for assigned freedom fighter stories and send it to me by no later than Friday night. Please refer to previous week blog updates for further information.

Sunday, January 31, 2021

January 31, 2021


What did we cover in the class?

Core Activity
1. Numbers in Telugu - very large numbers - revision
2. Padyam revision
3. Family relationships revision
3. How to consolidate a thought into speech - with examples

Plan for next class

1. Indian freedom fighters stories presentations - first pass
3. Chanakya story  part-2
3. Padyam revision 


1. Very large numbers exercise
    Write the following very large numbers and years in Telugu.  
2. Write the following family relationships 

a. My father’s elder sister’s son – to me – to my father

b. My mother’s younger brother’s son – to me – to my mother

c. My mother’s younger brother’s spouse – to my mother

d. My mother’s elder sister’s spouse – to my mother

e. My mother’s younger brother’s spouse – to my mother

f. My mother’s maternal grandmother – to me – to my mother

3. Implement the suggested improvements for the write up for freedom fighters. Please note that these speeches that we develop will be used for graduation performances. So, parents, please work with the children to develop these speeches. The students are aware of the topics for the speeches 
(fundamental details are given in the last week blog update)

Intro - Need to grab attention of audiences in these 3-5 sentences. Typically, explain the greatness of this person Or state an outstanding fact about this person Or the magnificent contributions of this person to the cause of India's independence  
at least 3 lines

Explanation - Fully connected to the intro, this develops the interest of audience. Details of the story and the core content for the story. Context of the story, difficulties/challenges faced, commitment, sacrifices and path chosen to the Indian freedom movement.  
at least 4 lines

Conclusion - Ending of this story. How did this story ramp down? What can we learn? 
at least 3 lines

Final line - The one line that you want your audiences to remember when you are done with this speech  
one line

Sunday, January 24, 2021

January 24, 2021


What did we cover in the class?

Core Activity
1. Numbers in Telugu - very large numbers 
101,323 - ఒక లక్ష ఒక వెయ్యి మూడు వందల ఇరవై మూడు
6,219,456 - అరవై రెండు లక్షల పంతొమ్మిది వేల నాలుగు వందల యాభై ఆరు
232,293,021 - ఇరవై మూడు కోట్ల ఇరవై రెండు లక్షల తొంభై మూడు వేల ఇరవై ఒకటి

2. How to consolidate a thought into speech - intro, explanation, conclusion, final line
3. Padyam revision
4. Chanakya story - part I  

Plan for next class

1. Indian freedom fighters stories discussion
2. Family relationships in Telugu - revision
3. Chanakya story  part-2
4. Padyam revision 


50% students did not return home work last week. Those who did not complete last week home work, need to complete it this week.

1. Numbers homework
    Write the following very large numbers and years in Telugu.  
2.  Here is the template for the write up for freedom fighters. Please note that these speeches that we develop in the next few weeks will be used for graduation performances. So, parents, please work with the children to develop these speeches. The topics for the speeches are given last week (please refer to the last week blog for further info)

Intro - Setting the stage for the story. Who is this person? What are some of his/her details? What is this person's greatness? 
at least 3 lines

Explanation - Story narration and key accomplishments of this person. Details of the story and the core content for the story. Context of the story, difficulties/challenges faced, commitment, sacrifices and path chosen to the Indian freedom movement.  
at least 4 lines

Conclusion - Ending of this story. What is inspiring in this story? What can we learn? 
at least 3 lines

Final line - The one line that you want your audiences to remember when you are done with this speech  
one line

Monday, January 18, 2021

January 17, 2021


అందరికీ సంక్రాంతి శుభాకాంక్షలు

What did we cover in the class?

Core Activity
1. Numbers in Telugu - including large numbers 
2. How to specify and identify tithis - revision  

Plan for next class

1. Indian freedom fighters stories discussion
2. Family relationships in Telugu - revision
3. Chanakya story 
4. Numbers in Telugu - revision and expression of very large numbers 


Many students did not return home work (8 directions for the city of Austin) last week. Those who did not complete last week home work, need to complete it this week.

1. Numbers homework
    Write the following numbers and years in Telugu. Try to write the entire expression in Telugu 
     11 to 20
     First world war - 1914 to 1918
     Second world war - 1939 to 1945
     India's independence - 1947
     Spanish flu - 1920
     Personal computer invention - 1976
     Wright brothers first flight - 1903 
2.  Solve the following problems for tithis
   a. Today is చైత్ర శుద్ధ విదియ. How many days ago was last Ugadi? In how many more days do we get Srirama navami?
   b. Today is వైశాఖ బహుళ చతుర్దశి. How many days ago was Ugadi? How many days ago was Srirama navami?
   c. Today is Deepavali. After how many days do we get కార్తీక పౌర్ణమి?
   d. Today is శ్రావణ బహుళ పాడ్యమి. How long ago was last గురు పౌర్ణమి?
3. The next few weeks would be  expressing ideas/stories/thoughts in verbal language
The following assignments were given to students to write at least 10 sentences about these Indian freedom fighters
Mahatma Gandhi - Lahari
Subhas Chandra Bose - Nitya
Sardar Vallabhai Patel - Karthik
Bhagat Singh - Anvitha
Jhansi Lakshmi Bai - Vedant
Alluri Sitaramaraju - Divya
Jawaharlal Nehru - Tarun
Bal Gangadhar Tilak - Amukta

Sunday, January 10, 2021

January 10, 2021


What did we cover in the class?

Core Activity
1. Gajendra Moksham story
2. Padyam - లావొక్కింతయు లేదు

lAvokkiMtayu lEdu dhairyamu vilOlaMbayye prANaMbulun
ThAvul dappenu mUrcha vacce tanuvun Dassen SramaMbayyeDin
nIvE tappa itaH paraMberuga manniMpaM dagun dInunin
rAvE ISwara kAvavE varada saMrakShiMpu BadrAtmakA

లావొక్కింతయు లేదు ధైర్యము విలోలంబయ్యె ప్రాణంబులున్

ఠావుల్ దప్పెను మూర్చ వచ్చె తనువున్ డస్సెన్ శ్రమంబయ్యెడిన్

నీవే తప్ప ఇతః పరంబెరుగ మన్నింపం దగున్ దీనునిన్

రావే ఈశ్వర కావవే వరద సంరక్షింపు భద్రాత్మకా 

You can learn how to recite the poem and meaning of the poem at this YouTube Link

3. 8 directions - revision - we revised the directions by reviewing with the maps of Houston and Dallas.

Plan for next class

1. Family relationships in Telugu - revision
2. Chanakya story 
3. Numbers in Telugu - including very large numbers 
4. Padyam - లావొక్కింతయు లేదు - revision
5. How to specify and identify tithis - revision  


Many students did not return home works. Those who did not complete last week home work, need to complete it this week. i.e. Complete the Ugadi festival reading and the home work at its end.

Since this schools have started classes for students, this week will be a light homework week
1. Take the map for the city of Austin (from Google maps) and point out at least 2 places in each of 8 directions (as we discussed in class today)
2.  For those who have not done, write down the exact tithi on your date of birth. You can google for the Telugu calendar of your year of birth and check the tithi.  

Sunday, January 3, 2021

January 3, 2021


What did we cover in the class?

అందరికీ నూతన ఆంగ్ల సంవత్సర శుభాకాంక్షలు 

Core Activity

1. Holiday experiences - explained by the students 

2. 8 directions. More information can be found here 

3. Telugu calendar year and Tithulu organization. More information can be found here

4. Hindu festivals in different months. More info can be found here.

Plan for next class

1. Family relationships in Telugu - revision
2. 8 directions - revision
3. Gajendra Moksham story 
4. Padyam - లావొక్కింతయు లేదు 


1. Festivals. Please follow the format given below. Include your birthday (actual date of your birth) as one of the festivals along with the month and tithi

Name of the Festival

Telugu Month in which we get the festival 

Tithi on which we get the festival































2.  Read about the Ugadi festival here and answer the questions in page 3,4 and 5