Sunday, March 28, 2021

March 28, 2021

 What did we cover in the class?

Core Activity
1. Quick recap of techniques for speeches with the example of a student's speech

2. How to read a sentence effectively to get the meaning from the sentence? Examples from the flowers passages with demonstration of keywords and how they give clues of effectively understanding meaning  

3. We took voting in the class and decided that the final exam would be a take home exam

Plan for next class

Coming Sunday is Prajna holiday due to Easter Sunday. The next class will be on April 11.

Please note: We need one more round of refinements in Freedom fighter speeches. Students, please text me on WhatsApp to schedule a slot between April 2 and 5. 

2. Fun Kahoot quizzes (area of quiz is a suspense till the play in the class)

3. Review of  take home final exam structure


1. None submitted the homework for Karta Karma Kriya. Students need to complete the 2 simple exercises  

2. From the flower passages, read the first 3 paragraphs and translate them into English. 

Sunday, March 21, 2021

March 21, 2021

 What did we cover in the class?

Core Activity
1. Quick review of work that was done over the Spring break for student speeches. Reminder about sending voice recordings after practicing well with with suggested changes

2. How to read Telugu sentences and understand - not a word to word translation. This will go for the next 2 weeks. A student picked up her passage about mandara pushpam and read a paragraph for this exercise.
3. Sentence construction - వాక్య నిర్మాణం
The concept of  Karta/Karma/Kriya was discussed along with examples. 

రాజు పుస్తకం చదువుతున్నాడు.

పుస్తకం ఎవరు చదువుతున్నారు?  ఎవరు? --> కర్త

రాజు దేనిని చదువుతున్నాడు?  ఎవరిని/దేనిని - కర్మ

రాజు పుస్తకాన్ని ఏంచేస్తున్నాడు? ఏమిటి - క్రియ

Concept of upa kriya and samaapaka kriya was also discussed.

భాస్కర్ ఆటలు ఆడి, అలసి పోయి, ఇంటికి వచ్చాడు

రాముడు సుగ్రీవునితో స్నేహం చేసి, లంకకు వెళ్ళి, రావణుని వధించి, అయోధ్యకు వచ్చాడు

Plan for next class

1. Flowers passage reading - continued - 3-4 students will read their flower passages while all students learning how to understand the meaning of different sentences

2. naama vaachakam, sarvanaamam, viseshaNam


1. Identify కర్త, కర్మ, క్రియ for the following.

ఒక బాలుడు అడవికి వెళ్ళాడు

ఒక తోడేలు అతని వెంట పడింది

ఆ బాలునికి భయం వేసింది

కాని బాలుడు ధైర్యం తెచ్చుకొని, తోడేలుతో అన్నాడు

తోడేలు బాలునితో సరేఅని వీణ వాయించటం మొదలు పెట్టింది

బాలుడు అది గమనించి నృత్యం చేశాడు

ఇంతలో ఈ గొడవ విని వేట కుక్కలు తోడేలు వెంట పడ్డాయి

బాలుడు తెలివిగా తప్పించుకున్నాడు   

Format is as given below.





2. Translate the following statements into Telugu. Observe the karta/karma/kriya pattern

  • 1. He observed the beggar and donated $100 to him.
  • 2. The musician waived his hands and started the show.
  • 3. She got angry and smashed the furniture with a hammer.
  • 4. He was surprised and opened the box.
  • 5. They crossed the road and went to the party.
  • 6. Thomas gave his pen to Carla.
  • 7. Divya had her breakfast and went to the school.
  • 8. The teacher carried his umbrella and went on to the road.

3. Send voice recordings for your speeches

Sunday, March 7, 2021

March 7, 2021

  What did we cover in the class?

Core Activity
Students came up with their finalized speeches which were reviewed and feedback further slight improvements was provided

Plan for next class

Coming Sunday is Prajna holiday due to Spring break. The next class will be on March 21.

Please note: I shall have 30 minutes with each student during Spring break to improvise the speeches and learn how to present it effectively as a speech. Please stay tuned for individual communication on whatsapp to find out a suitable time for the student.

2. Flowers passage reading - continued


1. *Must* do - If you have done yet, finalize your speeches of Indian freedom fighters.   

2. Reading assignment - Practice reading the words in the passage and be ready to read it in the next class