Sunday, September 25, 2016

September 25, 2016

What did we cover in the class?

Story – Acceptance of diversity
Story of Shivaji and how he accepted diversity by accepting Quran with the same respect as Bhagavdgeeta

Core Activity

Vegetables was today’s theme. The names of several vegetables in Telugu were introduced. Here is a link to the vegetables discussed

Got started with basic sentence construction in Telugu with a theme of opposites. Big/Small, Tall/short words were introduced and many students constructed words using those sentences. Writing of sentences did not start yet.

Many students did not finish last year’s final exam paper. They are expected to finish it this week with no choice. In other words, students are expected to complete all the questions in the paper. The students are expected to work with their parents while doing so.
The link to a soft copy of last year question paper is

Students are expected to come prepared to speak about a story with vegetables, whether it is their visit to a grocery store, or curries that they liked in their summer time or something else. The students are expected to work with their parents and come  prepared. 5-10 students will be asked to present their “vegetable story” in a max time of 2 minutes

Plan for next class

Spoken Telugu - Story of vegetables – presentations from students
Story - Dhruva
Continue formation of simple sentences.

Parents, the following is required for each student in Telugu class.
1.              A binder to collect and organize all the material provided in class and taken as printout
2.             A note book and pen or pencil

The kids are provided Madhyama syllabus and class schedule. Please note that the class schedule can vary depending on how the students are performing and responding

Sunday, September 18, 2016

September 18, 2016

What did we cover in the class?
Reading and writing warm up.

Core Activity
A few words from మన తెలుగు పరిచయ, for basic Telugu words, from మన తెలుగు శిశు (UKG) for gunintaalu and vattulu were discussed in the class. These words were demonstrated on how to read & write.

Students were individually helped when needed

The students are expected to complete last year’s final exam paper. Although there was choice given in the exam, for this assignment, there is no choice allowed. In other words, students are expected to complete all the questions in the paper. The students are expected to work with their parents while doing so.

The link to a soft copy of last year question paper is

This homework would reinforce the warm up of learning the achchulu, hallulu, gunintaalu and vattulu to the students.

Plan for next class
  • Story – accepting diversity – Story of Shivaji
  • Spoken Telugu – vocabulary – vegetables
  • Writing simple sentences as translation from English sentences

Parents, the following is required for each student in Telugu class.
  1. A binder to collect and organize all the material provided in class and taken as printout
  2. A note book and pen or pencil

Please ensure that the kids have this for the next class. Thanks for your cooperation!

Syllabus and class schedule

September 11, 2016

What did we cover in the class?
This was a class of warmup. Kids were allowed to have some fun while learning

Core Activity
The focus on spoken Telugu skills  in the coming academic year were announced
5-10 kids described their summer experiences in pure Telugu. They were helped as needed
Revision of days of week, family relationships, padyams (kanakapu simhasanamuna, uppu kappurambu), Telugu months

మన తెలుగు పరిచయ book pages 3-35. The kids are expected to read and write as many words as possible. We will revise them also in the next class.

Plan for next class
Revision of Telugu gunintaalu & vattulu through simple words. Practice in class.

Parents, the following is required for each student in Telugu class.
  1. A binder to collect and organize all the material provided in class and taken as printout
  2. A notebook and pen or pencil

1.     Please ensure that the kids have this for the next class. Thanks for your cooperation!