Sunday, February 28, 2021

Feb 28, 2021

 What did we cover in the class?

Core Activity
Students did not finalize the speeches yet. A refined speech was reviewed in class as an example and students were asked to update all their speeches by the coming Friday. Next class will be the last class when we will review the speeches

Flowers passage reading: Reading a few paragraphs for 2 flowers, with sentence by sentence instruction on how to separate nouns, verbs, adjectives etc. to enhance the reading of the students.

Plan for next class

1. Indian freedom fighters stories - mock presentations - Q&A. This will be the last review and any more help will be taken it in Spring break for improvising their delivery of speeches
2. Flowers passage reading - continued


1. *Must* do - Finalize your speeches of Indian freedom fighters.   

2. Reading assignment - About flowers. Absorb the guidelines given in today's class and re-read your flowers passage. Be ready to read it in the next class.

Sunday, February 14, 2021

Feb 14, 2021


What did we cover in the class?

Core Activity
Speaking about Indian freedom fighters - speaking points of each student were reviewed and feedback provided

Plan for next class

1. Indian freedom fighters stories - mock presentations - Q&A. We are going to stop the passage preparation effort here and take it in Spring break for improvising their delivery of speeches
2. Padyam revision 
3. Flowers passage reading


1. Whoever didn't complete last week homework, should complete it this week. Students are expected to finalize their scripts for assigned freedom fighter stories and send it to me by no later than Friday night. 

2. Reading assignment - About flowers. Students will read these passages in the next class. The idea is to teach them techniques of understanding while reading - Anvitha - Amukta - Divya - Lahari - Karthik - Nitya - Vedant - Tarun

Sunday, February 7, 2021

February 7, 2021


What did we cover in the class?

Core Activity
1. Chanakya story completion. Students requested for further reading about this story on Internet and it can be found here  . It will be good for them to read the story in Telugu.
2. Padyam revision
3. Speaking about Indian freedom fighters - review and discussion

Plan for next class

1. Indian freedom fighters stories - mock presentations. Feedback would be provided to improve the presentations
2. Padyam revision 


Whoever didn't complete last week homework, should complete it this week.

Students are expected to finalize their scripts for assigned freedom fighter stories and send it to me by no later than Friday night. Please refer to previous week blog updates for further information.