Sunday, April 22, 2018

April 22, 2017

What did we cover in the class?

Core Activity

Final exam end to end review
Telugu final exam will be next Sunday April 29. Sample exam paper could be found here

We discussed the end to end exam paper structure and reviewed the following

Dictation words will be given from homework (మన తెలుగు శిశు UKG)

Sentences will be given from what was covered in class

Extra credit opportunities were discussed

Questions on sentences, use your own sentences would be only from what was covered in the class. For those who missed classes, blog is your reference to refer even to past classes. Here is a quick reference.

Words for use in own sentences
గోడ  జోల  గోరు  రైతు   తోట
మౌనము  మోత  నౌక  నౌకరు  దుఃఖము
కేక   గేదె   తేమ   వేడి    తేలిక   పొగ 
పొడుగు   గొలుసు   తొందర   కోకిల    కోపము 
చీర    దీపం    తీపి     సీసా     చీకటి     మీగడ
కాలు   వీపు     చేదు    కారం     పసుపు    బరువు   పరువు 
పాట     మాట    పాప    వాన   సాన    పాక 
వాసన    గంప    నది    ఆకలి  బండి    ఈల    గంట

Sentences for translation
I bought crackers for DeepavaLi - నేను దీపావళికి టపాకాయలు కొన్నాను
It rained heavily today - ఈ రోజు వాన బాగా కురిసింది
I can sing a song - నేను పాట పాడగలను
This is a copper wire - ఇది ఒక రాగి తీగ
Please leave my neck - దయచేసి నా మెడ వదులు
I go to temple on Saturday - నేను గుడికి శనివారం వెడతాను
I am thirsty - నాకు దాహంగా ఉంది
This jewelry is good - ఈ నగలు చాలా బాగుంటాయి
There is a stain on my palm - నా అర చేతి మీద మరక ఉంది
This sugar cane is very sweet - ఈ చెరుకు గడ చాలా తీయగా ఉంది
It is very pleasant - ఇది చాల హాయిగా ఉంది
I had a stomach-full of meals - నేను కడుపు నిండా భోజనం చేశాను
1. I have a parrot - నాతో ఒక చిలక ఉంది
2. I go to school - నేను బడికి వెడతాను
3. I eat mangoes - నేను మామిడి పండులు తింటాను
4. There is cold breeze outside - బయట చలి గాలి ఉంది

5. The street has many lines - ఈ వీధిలో చాలా గీతలు ఉన్నాయి

There are a few sections (padyam, writing 12 Telugu months, directions) that are questions known in advance. So, easy to work on and get marks

Song for Cultural day

తేనెల తేటల మాటలతో... పాట - చరణం 2 & చరణం 3 - మొత్తం పాట 
The song was practiced once more.

Final exam paper review

The following final exam sections were discussed

Disasters vocabulary -

Travel vocabulary -

Prepare well for the final exam. Good luck!

Plan for next class

Final exam!!

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

April 15, 2018

What did we cover in the class?

Core Activity

Song for Cultural day

తేనెల తేటల మాటలతో... పాట - చరణం 2 & చరణం 3 - మొత్తం పాట 
The song was practiced once more.

Final exam paper review

The following final exam sections were discussed

Disasters vocabulary -

Travel vocabulary -

English to Telugu sentence translation
Using Telugu words in own sentences.

Please note:

Telugu final exam will be on April 29. Sample exam paper could be found here


Parents, please review the sample exam paper. Feel free to review the earlier blog posts. Please work with your children to start preparation for the exam. 

There will be no designated homework as the exam preparation itself is the homework.

Plan for next class

Final exam practice

Exercise for each section of the final exam. 

Monday, April 9, 2018

April 8, 2018

What did we cover in the class?

Core Activity

Song for Cultural day

తేనెల తేటల మాటలతో... పాట - చరణం 2 & చరణం 3 - మొత్తం పాట 
The song was practiced once more.

Final exam paper review

Each section of the final exam is reviewed and explained to the students.  

Please note:

Telugu final exam will be on April 29. Sample exam paper could be found here

Final exam practice

Sentence translation: A few sentences in English were translated into Telugu and the technique of translation was discussed.

A few English words were reviewed along with their Telugu meaning.


Parents, please review the sample exam paper. Feel free to review the earlier blog posts. Please work with your children to start preparation for the exam. 

There will be no designated homework as the exam preparation itself is the homework.

Plan for next class

Some more practice for the final exam.

Sunday, April 1, 2018

April 1, 2018

What did we cover in the class?

Core Activity

Song for Cultural day

తేనెల తేటల మాటలతో... పాట - చరణం 2 & చరణం 3 - మొత్తం పాట 
The song was practiced a few times. Boys & girls also sang as groups. Please refer to last week blog update for full lyrics of the song.

Games for kids

We played some games that involved Telugu words and movie names. 

Please note:

Telugu final exam will be on May 6. Sample exam paper could be found here


Parents, please review the sample exam paper. Feel free to review the earlier blog posts. Please work with your children to start preparation for the exam. 

There will be no designated homework till the exam. Preparation for the exam is the expected homework.

Plan for next class

We will review the exam paper next week