Monday, December 11, 2017

December 10, 2017

What did we cover in the class?

Core Activity

Distributed the graded sheets of the exam.

Parents, please review the graded sheets. This gives you a good idea of areas of improvement or sustenance for your children

Happy holidays! The next class is on January 7.


Since we have a break, here is something that you can get done with the students in the break.
Gunintalu practice sheet
Take a printout of the sheet and let the students write the words. You can refer to the text book to give examples of those gunintams.

Gunintalu dictation
Take a printout of the sheet and let the students read & write the words. Explain the meaning of these words while they do so

The homework is due on Jan 7.

Plan for next class

Review the dictation sheets. 

Get started with basics of vattulu