Sunday, February 26, 2017

February 26, 2017

What did we cover in the class?

Story (Anecdote)

Core Activity
Revision of poem - నీళ్ళలోన మీను

Reading the story - The lion and the Rabbit - from Panchatantra and line by line translate into Telugu.

Writing vattulu - ట, ఠ, డ, ఢ


Page 44 and 46 from Mana Telugu Sisu book. The students are expected to write each word on a sheet of paper and submit it in the next class. The students were already informed about this homework in the class.

Plan for next class

Revision of Indian months and corresponding festivals

Revision of family relationships

Spoken Telugu - Angry customer situation

Writing vattulu

Sunday, February 19, 2017

February 19, 2017

What did we cover in the class?

Story (Anecdote)

Core Activity

New Padyam - 

నీళ్ళలోన మీను నిగిడి దూరము పారు
బైట మూరెడైన బార లేదు
స్థానబలిమి గాని తన బలిమి గాదయా
విశ్వదాభిరామ వినురవేమ!

neeLLalOna meenu nigiDi dooramu paaru
baiTa mooreDaina baara lEdu
sthaanabalimi gaani tana balimi gaadayaa
viSwadaabhiraama vinuravEma!

Meaning: meenu means fish. When a fish is in water then it can travel any distance. When it is outside, it cannot travel even a yard. So, it si foolish for a fish to be arrogant of its capability because the strength is location dependent and not an absolute one! 
Moral: As humans, we should be never be arrogant about our capabilities because they are context (time and location) dependent.

Translation from English to Telugu by reading

Today, the students started to read Panchatantra stories, line by line and express it in Telugu. Students participated with a lot of enthusiasm and did very well. We used this opportunity to learn the difference between word to word translation and a sentence by sentence translation (the expression is often different between language to language and hence word by word translation is not an effective way of translation).

Writing exercise

We took a few lines that were translated in the above exercise and wrote them. Parents, please review your child's books to see what they learned in this exercise. It involved proper sentences involving rich Telugu vocabulary.

We will continue this process of reading Panchatantra stories and translating for another 2 weeks. We will also write a few sentences. It is important for the kids to practice vattulu to be able to get the maximum benefit from this exercise.


This week we have a homework for parents also :-)

Parents, please take two topics. For example, what is your favorite subject in school, what is your favorite sport and why?
Then, request your kids to speak about the topic for a minute in English. Then ask them to speak the same thing in Telugu. Let them make mistakes and correct them! This would reinforce the translation concepts that we discussed in the class.

For students, page 34 and 36 from Mana Telugu Sisu book. The students are expected to write each word on a sheet of paper and submit it in the next class. The students were already informed about this homework in the class.

Plan for next class

Padyam revision 

Spoken Telugu - translation of Panchatantra stories, writing a few sentences in Telugu from those stories.

Sunday, February 12, 2017

February 12, 2017

What did we cover in the class?

Story (Anecdote)

Core Activity

Padyam revision. Not many students learnt the padyam. I advise parents to work with the students to ensure that the students learn the padyam

We had a quiz on the animal names in Telugu. 

We had another quiz on translating English day to day sentences to Telugu.

We also learnt to practice vattulu for క, ఖ, గ, ఘ


Only 2 students returned the vattulu exercise. We are planning to start writing simple sentences starting next week. So, please work with the students to complete the homework.

Please work with the students to revise vegetables, fruits and animal names in Telugu. Encourage the students use the names in their own sentences. 

Plan for next class

New padyam from Vemana Satakam

Spoken Telugu – Translation of many simple sentences - We will extend this to writing those sentences as well

Revision of remaining vattulu and dictation of words with the vattulu

Saturday, February 4, 2017

February 5, 2017

What did we cover in the class?

Story (Anecdote)

Core Activity

Padyam - Sri Raghurama padyam from Dasarathi Satakam revision

Vocabulary about animals - the sheet can be found here 

Role play - two prajna students talking about each others experiences about attending Prajna

Vattulu revision and dictation


None returned last week home work. vattulu practice sheet can be downloaded at 
Please download, take a printout and have the students work with the sheet and return it in the next class

Plan for next class

Spoken Telugu – We will continue with role play

A fun quiz about vegetables, fruits and animals together.

Vattulu revision and dictation

Focus on simple sentences.