Monday, December 11, 2017

December 10, 2017

What did we cover in the class?

Core Activity

Distributed the graded sheets of the exam.

Parents, please review the graded sheets. This gives you a good idea of areas of improvement or sustenance for your children

Happy holidays! The next class is on January 7.


Since we have a break, here is something that you can get done with the students in the break.
Gunintalu practice sheet
Take a printout of the sheet and let the students write the words. You can refer to the text book to give examples of those gunintams.

Gunintalu dictation
Take a printout of the sheet and let the students read & write the words. Explain the meaning of these words while they do so

The homework is due on Jan 7.

Plan for next class

Review the dictation sheets. 

Get started with basics of vattulu

Monday, November 13, 2017

November 12, 2017

What did we cover in the class?

Core Activity

Note: Midterm exam is on December 3, 2017 (yes, next class). The syllabus and sample paper was discussed in the first half of the class 

Verbal section: To be performed with a volunteer

Natural Disasters vocabulary  (10 questions will be given. Students can answer any 5) 5X3=15 marks

Travel vocabulary  (10 questions will be given. Students can answer any 5)  5X3=15  marks

Padyam (tankopame) recital: 5 marks
Padyam meaning: 5 marks
(Students must say padyam to get marks for meaning. They cannot just say meaning to get 5 points)

Twelve Telugu months: 5 marks

Writing section: 

Dictation for writing words with gunintalu - (10 questions will be given. Students can answer any 5) 5X3=15 marks

Sentences given in English - to be translated and written in Telugu using gunintalu - 5X6=30 marks
(10 questions will be given. Students can answer any 6)

Directions marking - 10 marks

Extra credit:

Writing full name in Telugu - 5 marks
Padyam meaning without a single word in English - 5 marks

Gunintalu practice session 4 (dictation) - We discussed a word first, its usage in a sentence and then write the sentence in Telugu. Please note that these words are based on the words given in the text book మన తెలుగు శిశు (UKG). The sentences are given below.

I bought crackers for DeepavaLi - నేను దీపావళికి టపాకాయలు కొన్నాను
It rained heavily today - ఈ రోజు వాన బాగా కురిసింది
I can sing a song - నేను పాట పాడగలను
This is a copper wire - ఇది ఒక రాగి తీగ
Please leave my neck - దయచేసి నా మెడ వదులు
I go to temple on Saturday - నేను గుడికి శనివారం వెడతాను
I am thirsty - నాకు దాహంగా ఉంది

Please discuss these with your kids and have them practice similar words/sentences.


The home work this week is to prepare well for the mid term exam

Plan for next class

Mid term exam


Please ensure that your child gets a note book and a pencil/pen to the class. We will have them practice writing skills also in every class. In addition, they will have something to note.

The students are also supposed to get their gunintalu & vattulu reference sheet (distributed in class today) to **every class**. This would help as we try to learn & master writing and reading.

Sunday, November 5, 2017

November 5, 2017

What did we cover in the class?

Core Activity

1. Padyam - revision of tanakOpame tana Satruvu

2. Story: 4 students spoke about what they learned from Simhagadh story from last class

3. Revision of 12 months and 8 directions in Telugu

Gunintalu practice session 4 (dictation) - We followed a different approach which was liked by the students. We discussed a word first, its usage in a sentence and then write the sentence in Telugu. Please note that these words are based on the words given in the text book మన తెలుగు శిశు (UKG). The sentences are given below.

This jewelry is good - ఈ నగలు చాలా బాగుంటాయి
There is a stain on my palm - నా అర చేతి మీద మరక ఉంది
This sugar cane is very sweet - ఈ చెరుకు గడ చాలా తీయగా ఉంది
It is very pleasant - ఇది చాల హాయిగా ఉంది
I had a stomach-full of meals - నేను కడుపు నిండా భోజనం చేశాను

Please discuss these with your kids and have them practice similar words/sentences.

Parents, homework this week is important. Please ensure that you work with your kids to finish the homework.


Not many completed last week's home work. So, students who did not complete last week home work, need to complete it this week. From pages 2 to 26 of the text book మన తెలుగు శిశు (UKG), the students are expected to take 2-4 words in each gunintam, read them and write them on a white paper (in the presence of their parents), and get the paper to the next class. Students must work with parents in this home work.

This week's home work is as follows.
I dictated a few sentences in Telugu. Students need to work with their parents to translate them into Telugu and write them on a white paper and return. Basics of writing sentences were discussed in the class. So, parents, please observe how much they absorbed the concepts in class
1. I have a parrot - నాతో ఒక చిలక ఉంది
2. I go to school - నేను బడికి వెడతాను
3. I eat mangoes - నేను మామిడి పండులు తింటాను
4. There is cold breeze outside - బయట చలి గాలి ఉంది
5. The street has many lines - ఈ వీధిలో చాలా గీతలు ఉన్నాయి

Home work will contribute to 10% of the final score 

Plan for next class

Travel vocabulary revision - a few sentences about travel, first spoken in English and then translated into Telugu

Revision - gunintalu - exercise in writing gunintalu and dictation for writing words

Simple sentences (contd) - translation and writing in Telugu

Padyam - koorimi gala (sumati Satakam)


Please ensure that your child gets a note book and a pencil/pen to the class. We will have them practice writing skills also in every class. In addition, they will have something to note.

The students are also supposed to get their gunintalu & vattulu reference sheet (distributed in class today) to **every class**. This would help as we try to learn & master writing and reading.

Sunday, October 29, 2017

October 29, 2017

What did we cover in the class?

Core Activity

Gunintalu practice session 3 - Gunintams was reviewed with a few words as examples. The words for several gunintams were written on the board while the kids copied it into their notebooks. Parents, homework this week is important. Please ensure that you work with your kids to finish the homework.

Story: Shivaji winning Simhagadh - the significance of determination

Other revision: 12 months of an Indian calendar, 8 directions in Telugu, shown below


Not many completed last week's home work. So, from pages 2 to 26 of the text book మన తెలుగు శిశు (UKG), the students are expected take 2-4 words in each gunintam, read them and write them on a white paper (in the presence of their parents), and get the paper to the next class. Students must work with parents in this home work.

Home work will contribute to 10% of the final score 

Plan for next class

3 Students will speak about the story of Simhagadh and what they learned

Travel vocabulary revision

12 months and 8 directions revision

Revision - gunintalu - exercise in writing gunintalu and dictation for writing words

Simple sentences - translation and writing in Telugu


Please ensure that your child gets a note book and a pencil/pen to the class. We will have them practice writing skills also in every class. In addition, they will have something to note.

The students are also supposed to get their gunintalu & vattulu reference sheet (distributed in class today) to **every class**. This would help as we try to learn & master writing and reading.

Sunday, October 15, 2017

October 15, 2017

What did we cover in the class?

Core Activity

Padyam: tanakopame (sumati satakam) - revised.  

Travel vocabulary. The vocabulary completed this week. For each word, sentences were formed in English and translated by students into Telugu. Parents, please ensure that you revise the words and their usage. The list that can be found here 

Gunintalu practice session 2 - All the gunintalu were revised with examples. A few words for each gunintam were written on the board while the kids copied it into their notebooks. 


Gunintalu - From pages 2,4 and 6 of the text book మన తెలుగు శిశు (UKG), the students are expected take the words in the left two columns, read them and write them on a white paper (in the presence of their parents), and get the paper to the next class.
Home work will contribute to 10% of the final score 

Plan for next class

A few more sentences with travel vocabulary would be discussed., Students are expected to translate the sentences into Telugu.  

Part-II of the Story: Shivaji winning Simhagadh - the significance of determination

Revision - gunintalu - exercise in writing gunintalu and dictation for writing words


Please ensure that your child gets a note book and a pencil/pen to the class. We will have them practice writing skills also in every class. In addition, they will have something to note.

The students are also supposed to get their gunintalu & vattulu reference sheet (distributed in class today) to **every class**. This would help as we try to learn & master writing and reading.

Sunday, October 8, 2017

October 8, 2017

What did we cover in the class?

Core Activity

Padyam: tanakopame (sumati satakam) - revised. The meaning of the poem was discussed and explained  

Travel vocabulary revision. The list that can be found here 

Gunintalu practice session 1 - All the gunintalu were discussed with examples. Appropriate references to the reference sheet were provided. 

Story of Shivaji - we got started on the story but did not have enough time. We will finish the story next week.


Gunintalu - On a sheet of white paper, the students are expected to write the gunintalu for the letters క, ఖ, గ, ఘ, చ, ఛ, జ, ఝ and bring it to the next class

Plan for next class

Part-II of travel vocabulary.

For Part-I of the travel vocabulary, students are given sentences in English that they will need to convert into Telugu.  

Revision - Padyam: tanakopame (sumati satakam)

Part-II of the Story: Shivaji winning Simhagadh - the significance of determination

Revision - gunintalu - a few words that demonstrate the gunintalu will be shown and writing practice is also conducted


Please ensure that your child gets a note book and a pencil/pen to the class. We will have them practice writing skills also in every class. In addition, they will have something to note.

The students are also supposed to get their gunintalu & vattulu reference sheet (distributed in class today) to **every class**. This would help as we try to learn & master writing and reading.

Sunday, October 1, 2017

October 1, 2017

What did we cover in the class?

Core Activity

Spoken Telugu: 3 more kids talked about their Harvey experiences.  

We had fun quiz to revise the travel vocabulary that we learnt last week. We continued to learn a few new words related to travel from the vocabulary list that can be found here 

Padyam: tanakopame (sumati satakam)


Apparently none completed the worksheets. So, parents, please explore if you can get the homework done. It is ok if the children do not master the exercises. Please work with them to get it completed.

Worksheets 1 to 5 in Mana Telugu Sisu (UKG) అభ్యాసము book. 

Plan for next class

Practice vocabulary i.e. the words that the students learnt about natural disasters and travel. Students will be asked to  use these words in their own sentences. 

Revision - Padyam: tanakopame (sumati satakam)

Story: Shivaji winning Simhagadh - the significance of determination

Revision - gunintalu

If time permits: 
Telugu year organization, twelve months, fortnights and tithis & how they align to some festivals. How the 8 directions are referred in Telugu along with usage. 


Please ensure that your child gets a note book and a pencil/pen to the class. We will have them practice writing skills also in every class. In addition, they will have something to note.

The students are also supposed to get their gunintalu & vattulu reference sheet (distributed in class today) to **every class**. This would help as we try to learn & master writing and reading.

Sunday, September 24, 2017

September 24, 2017

What did we cover in the class?

Core Activity

Spoken Telugu: 3 kids talked about their Harvey experiences. 3 more kids are signed up to discuss their experiences in next class. This exercise was not only useful but, to see the students come up with so much of enthusiasm was awesome. 

We had fun quiz to revise the vocabulary about natural disasters. We learnt a few new words related to travel from the vocabulary list that can be found here 

Discussed about the significance of Dasara and Deepavali. Discussed the Telugu tithis (month & day) of those festivals. We will revise the Telugu months and year organization in subsequent classes.

After looking at the students' situation, we decided to revise gunintalu & vattulu in the next 3-4 classes. The schedule sheets I distributed (parents, please collect it from students) in the class today did not reflect that shift. So, we may be running behind in the schedule in favor of a revision of gunintalu and vattulu to let the students gain confidence in basics. 

Parents: I distributed a gunintaalu and vattulu reference sheet in the class today. So, if you can work with them to get started with gunintaalu for next class, that would help.


Worksheets 4 and 5 in Mana Telugu Sisu (UKG) అభ్యాసము book. Many students did not complete worksheets 1 to 3 which was the home work last week. It is fun to do those exercises and that gives them the revision of some basics. Please encourage your children to do those worksheets.

Plan for next class

Spoken Telugu – 3 kids talk in Telugu about their experiences during Harvey.

Travel vocabulary part-II 

Padyam: tanakopame (sumati satakam)

Telugu year organization, months, fortnights and tithis & how they align to some festivals.


Please ensure that your child gets a note book and a pencil/pen to the class. We will have them practice writing skills also in every class. In addition, they will have something to note.

The students are also supposed to get their gunintalu & vattulu reference sheet (distributed in class today) to **every class**. This would help as we try to learn & master writing and reading.

Sunday, September 17, 2017

September 10-17, 2017

The syllabus for this year for all mana Telugu classes can be found at

What did we cover in the class?

Core Activity

We had fun quizzes to revise fruits, flowers, animals, weeks of the day and relationships. Boys and girls were made into separate groups and the competitive spirit was audible to the students in the next class :-)

We also learned a new set of words - how different disasters are called in Telugu. You can find a reference to the words here


Worksheets 1 to 3 in Mana Telugu Sisu (UKG) అభ్యాసము book. It is fun to do those exercises and that gives them the revision of some basics. Please encourage your children to do those worksheets.

Please revise achchulu, hallulu, gunintams and vattulu with kids. We will touch briefly upon them next week.

Plan for next class

Spoken Telugu – 4-5 kids talk in Telugu about their experiences during Harvey.

Discussion about the festivals of Dasara and Deepavali. 

A quick fun quiz about words involving simple gunintams and vattulu


1. Parents, If think that your ward is in a higher or lower class than where she can succeed, please let the teacher know immediately.

2. Please ensure that your child gets a note book and a pencil/pen to the class. We will have them practice writing skills also in every class. In addition, they will have something to note.

Welcome to new Academic year!

Welcome to new Academic year 2017-208!

నూతన విద్యా సంవత్సరానికి స్వాగతం!

Sunday, April 16, 2017

April 16, 2017

Mana Telugu Madhyama final exam is on April 30th. Sample exam paper was distributed through this blog 2 weeks ago. You can refer to the sample question paper below in this blog.

What did we cover in the class?

Core Activity

From now on, the preparation to the final exam is most of what we discuss in the class. 

Revision of all the three poems that we discussed in the class

Revision of animals and fruits. 

Writing a few simple sentences using animals, to reinforce the names and knowing how to write the names of different animals. The students will get extra points for writing the animal/fruit/flower names in the exam.

Family relationships revision


Please review what we have done in the class. Work with the students in understanding, learning and preparing towards the final exam. That is the homework for this week.

Plan for next class

The next class is the final class before the final exam. We will review each item from the question paper and revise the needed items

Complete set of references

For your convenience, here is a one-stop shop for all references. 

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

April 9, 2017

Mana Telugu Madhyama final exam is on April 30th. Please refer to the sample paper distributed 2 weeks ago.

What did we cover in the class?

Core Activity

It was a short class due to other presentations. Students revised how to write the 12 Hindu months in Telugu

A few students introduced themselves in Telugu in 5 sentences

From now onward until the final exam, there is no class  homework. Preparation for the final exam is expected to be the home work

Plan for next class
Students will learn how to form simple sentences and write them. This will not be included in the final exam

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

April 2, 2017

Final exam will be conducted on April 30th. Please review the Sample paper given below for further information

What did we cover in the class?

Core Activity

The final exam sample paper was discussed in detail

Writing practice of twelve months was started. A reference of the writing the twelve months is given below. This is important for the final exam


Students can start revision to prepare for the final exam

Students are expected to practice all vattulu from Mana Telugu SiSu book. One or two words per vattu is enough to get started but, more practice is bettter. This is in direction of preparing for the exam.

Plan for next class

Vattulu revision and dictation
Family relations revision & quiz

Sunday, March 26, 2017

March 26, 2017


Final exam will be conducted on April 30th. Please review the Sample paper given below for further information

Parents meeting will be held for parents of Madhyama class students on April 2, 2017 from 10 AM to 10.30 AM

What did we cover in the class?

Core Activity

Revision of Vegetables, fruits, animals, counting 1 to 1000 and beyond 

Expressing in Telugu - telling about one self in at least 5 sentences (important for final exam)
For example, the sentences could be the following
what is your name? mother & father name
what do your mother & father do
where do you live
which school do you go to?
hobbies, interests, eating preferences
What do I like about Prajna

Vattulu practice. ప, ఫ, బ, భ, య, ర, ల vattulu were discussed. 
Students were taught how to write their names, especially those that involved vattulu


Students write their names, the names of their parents and siblings in Telugu on a separate sheet of paper and submit

The students are expected to write 3-5 words with ప, ఫ, బ, భ, య, ర, ల vattulu from Mana Telugu SiSu (UKG) book 

Plan for next class

Practicing words for the remaining vattulu

Discuss the sample question paper

Write the twelve months names in Telugu

 Practice the antonym pairs (Sweet - Sour, Hot - cold, Hard - soft, Early - late, Difficult - easy, Big - small, Tall - short, Young – old, fat - thin, day - night) - and corresponding sentences - in Telugu

Monday, March 20, 2017

March 19, 2017


Final exam will be conducted on April 30th. Sample paper will be published very soon

Parents meeting will be held for parents of Madhyama class students on April 2, 2017 from 10 AM to 10.30 AM

What did we cover in the class?

Core Activity

Revision of Twelve Telugu months

Revision of famous festivals along with their tithis
Ugadi         Chaitra Sudha PaDyami
Srirama Navami Chaitra Sudha Navami
Narasimha Jayanti Vaisakha Sudha TrayOdaSi
Rakhi Poornima SravaNa PoorNima
Vinayaka Chaviti Bhadrapada Sudha Chaturdhi
Vijaya Dasami Aaswayuja Sudha dasami
Deepavali         Aaswayuja amaavaasya

Directions were discussed in English and then in Telugu. The directions were also written. This is important for the final exam

Vattulu practice


Pages 52,54 and 56 from mana Telugu SiSu

Revise all the relations described in the document 

Plan for next class

Vattulu practice - all vattulu 
Dictation for vattulu
Writing simple sentences
Relationships quiz

Sunday, March 5, 2017

March 5, 2017


No class on March 12 - Spring break
Parents meeting will be held for parents of Madhyama class students on April 2, 2017 from 10 AM to 10.30 AM

What did we cover in the class?
Story (Anecdote)

Core Activity

Twelve Telugu months 
Chaitram, Vaisakham, JyesTham, AashaDham, SravaNam, Bhadrapadam, Aaswayujam, Kartikam, Margasiram, Pushyam, Maagham, PhalguNam

The following festivals in Hindu calendar dates were explained
Hindu Calendar Date
Chaitra Sudha PaDyami
Srirama Navami
Chaitra Sudha Navami
Narasimha Jayanti
Vaisakha Sudha TrayOdaSi
Rakhi Poornima
SravaNa PoorNima
Vinayaka Chaviti
Bhadrapada Sudha Chaturdhi
Vijaya Dasami
Aaswayuja Sudha dasami
Aaswayuja amaavaasya

Family relationships were revised and new relationships were explained

Spoken Telugu - hostile customer situation. The following conversation was translated by a few students from English to Telugu

Customer: I bought a few fruits from your store yesterday. They all got bad today
Vendor: Which fruits?
Cus: Bananas, grapes, oranges and pine apples
Ven: Did you put them in refrigerator?
Cus: Yes, I put them in the refrigerator
Ven: Then why did they get spoilt?
Cus: I don't know. You need to refund money
Ven: I cannot
Cus: Why not? The quality of the fruits you sold was bad. I need my money to be refunded
Ven: How much was the total amount?
Cus: 57 rupees
Ven: Ok, I will give half the amount back
Cus: No, I need the full amount back
Cus: Sorry, I cannot give full amount. How about 45 rupees?

Cus: Alright

A few words with da and dha vattulu were practiced for writing


Since next week is Spring break (no class on March 12) , pages 48, 50 & 52 of mana Telugu Sisu - Students need to read & write the words from those pages into a separate sheet and provide it in the next class

Parents, please spend some time to review the family relationships described in the document . It might take some time for the students to understand some complex relationships. This is where they would need your help.

Plan for next class

Revision of Telugu months and chosen festivals

Revision of directions in Telugu

Spoken Telugu – Role play for hostile customer situation one more case

Comprehensive Vattulu practice with all vattulu

Try to form simple sentences.